Why Hiring a Social Media Manager Saves You Time and Money

Why Hiring a Social Media Manager Saves You Time and Money

As the world becomes more dependent on social media, it is important for your business to do the same. In 2018, a Marist Poll was conducted on 729 adults, showcasing that 76% of them shopped online, and 50% of them said they preferred it to shopping in person. Due to the COVID pandemic, these numbers are increasing each year. 

Many people have gotten used to spending more time at home. The pandemic will end, but the long-lasting changes it has made to our lives will persist into the future. Some of this is good, and some not; what matters is how your business adjusts to it. Many people now work from home, shop from home, and have less reason to leave their homes. Their intake on the world is coming from the screens in front of them, and these screens are always changing. 

Creating Successful Social Media Pages Takes Time

To adapt to modern culture, businesses must maintain a social media presence that is current, updated, and reliable. This takes time. It is not something that can be rushed through at the end of a shift. It is an algorithm that is studied and perfected by many current college students, graduates, and others who have devoted years of their life to studying the specific craft of social media and learning how to achieve the best results. 

By hiring a social media manager, you will save yourself time by having someone fully dedicated to promoting and bettering your business. This extra time will allow you to focus on other matters and not have to worry about staying current with the ever-changing social media trends. To stay ahead of the competition, this should be an “end-of-the-day” task but full-time job. 

First Impressions Matter

Social media is the hook; it gets people interested. Your job is then to reel them in. Sprout Social has found that 74% of people choose to buy something based on what they have seen on social media. A social media page is a person’s first impression of a business. If the page is outdated, unorganized, or lacking valuable information, there is a higher chance someone will click away and look towards another business. 

Losing potential customers will only lose you money. With a social media manager, your social media will stay current and updated every day to ensure that all essential information is included on the page and easy for viewers to navigate. Your pages will become more aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. That means you will draw a wider range of people and capturtheir attention so that they will remember your business in the future. 

Professionalism Increases Credibility

Not only does social media give customers their first impression of you, but it also helps you establish credibility as a business. No one likes endlessly searching for a way to contact a business and then waiting even longer for a response. People like to be heard.

The most reliable businesses are those that can be easily contacted and who respond quickly to inquiries. People like to see a business that is actively engaged with their customers, that responds to customer questions, and addresses complaints – all done quickly, with sincerity and poise. In our current digital landscape, it’s crucial for building trust between a business and its customers. 

If your customers trust your business, they will want to come back to you because they know you will be there to assist them. Having a social manager establishes credibility because – when done right – it’s personal. It takes someone solely focused on customer service to create a solid online presence and be at the disposal of customers as much as possible. 

Social Media Managers Have Strategy

Many business owners may think that handling their professional business pages is as easy as handling their personal social media pages, but the stakes are much different. Sure, it only takes a few minutes to post a picture or a sales pitch to your feed, but posting randomly will not guarantee that your desired customer base will see your content. 

Posting on social media is strategic. It takes time and decisive planning to develop a successful strategy to increase audience engagement. 

Social media managers will know how to engage with social media algorithms and will be able to monitor the growth or decline of viewers based on posted content. Over time, this will guarantee a more effective strategy in engaging viewers and persuading them to return

How Do I Hire a Social Media Manager?

You may be thinking that this is a big commitment, but we are here to help. At Wine Down Services, we will take the hassle away from you. Get down to the work of your business, and let us manage the social side of things. 

After filling out an application, we can assign you with a social media manager perfect for your business needs. Have someone monitor your social media pages, strategize daily posts and content, control comments and DMs. Contact us today to change the future of your business.